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- Career & Business, Entrepreneurship, Finance & Economics, Marketing & Sales, Money & Investmentsartificial intelligence, financial literacy, investing, money management, personal financeUse AI to Generate Ideas, Automate Marketing, and Build ProfitsLarry WheelerUnited StatesBuilding Your Money Machine with ChatGPT2024Larry Wheeler is a financial strategist and technology enthusiast with over a decade of experience in personal finance and investment. As a sought-after speaker and consultant, he has been featured in leading financial publications such as Investopedia and The Motley Fool. Larry is the author of the acclaimed book, Building Your Money Machine with ChatGPT, where he combines cutting-edge AI technology with practical financial advice to empower readers in their wealth-building journey. His innovative approach has made him a trusted voice in the intersection of finance and technology.Independently publishedEnglish, Thai